"Vologodskie Terema": we grow like our houses do

More than five hundred of our houses have been built in 14 countries all over of the world
More than 500 of our houses have been built by our company in 14 countries in different parts of the world. Among them are:
  • Russia and the CIS countries
  • Belarus
  • several European countries
  • Benelux countries
  • Scandinavia
  • Greece, and so on.

Thousands of cubic meters of wood have gone through our hands and been transformed into high-quality, comfortable and attractive buildings. They are made of:

  • logs in the round – about 144,000 m3;
  • solid timber – about 3000 m3;
  • laminated timber – 50,000 m3.

If you placed all of these houses in the same spot, it would resemble a small city.

Keeping up with modern technologies

Modern wooden houses require strict compliance with regulations and the highest quality standards.

Our company implements the most advanced technologies and applies its own know-how. On June 10, 2008 we got a patent for a unique product – a particular way of joining logs – even tighter than usual. Therefore, with the help of our “thermal lock”, the house retains 25% more heat.

We use only sustainable forestry

Our responsible attitude to logging is confirmed by the 2020 FSC Certificate – the Russian national forest management standard.

They have already judged our work

We have delivered whole houses to people who know everything there is about quality as well as about more esoteric values – home hearth, natural beauty, harmony. Among them are:
  • V. Zhirinovsky; 
  • P. Grudinin, and so on.

Now, it's you turn to judge us!

"Vologodskie Terema": the company that builds and creates the near future.

Нам есть чем гордиться
Бронзовая медаль «Российский лес 2006»
Бронзовая медаль «Российский лес 2006»
Серебряная медаль  «Российский лес 2007»
Серебряная медаль «Российский лес 2007»
Золотая медаль  «Российский лес 2008»
Золотая медаль «Российский лес 2008»
Медаль «Российский лес 2009»
Медаль «Российский лес 2009»
Медаль  «Лидер России 2013»
Медаль «Лидер России 2013»
Медаль  «Лидер России»
Медаль «Лидер России»